Fancy Face
Geschlecht Hündin Reg No.
Geburtsdatum 4.2.2006 DKK
Eigentümer Christine Tust Züchter Annette Lauritzen
Farbe Tan/White Rufname Fancy
Eltern Grosseltern Urgrosseltern Ur-Urgrosseltern
McAllister´s Prince of Denmark Norlund Spacewalker Barsetta Want To Be Buster Barsetta Vampire
Barsetta X-Cite
Norlund Isolde Howlbeck Copper Boy
Barsetta Solitaire
Rainpearl so nice of Sweet Surprise The Ragamuffin v. Huntman´s Joy Vlietstede Rascal
Vlietstede Hippo's Dita Deux
CWM Cadno Tantrum Chip
Magpie Rose never the Last
Cudweed's Vanity Rednock Myown Magicman CH VDH + CH KfT Red The Nock Rusty Never The Last BP Digger
Rusty (D)
Rednock Cheeky Chazzy Rednock Keep the Promise
Rednock Myown Marsha
Alne Stockpin Howlbeck Blue Prince Howlbeck Percy Special
Ground Hill Midge
Clystlands Wayfarer Clystlands Peppercorn
Clystlands Frolic

